Tuesday, July 26, 2011

دعوة للصوم بإبداع

جميعنا يعرف جيدا أن للصوم فوائد عظيمة، نعرف بعضها، ولكننا حتى الآن لم ندرك أغلبها بعد، فقد تطورنا بمرور الوقت ولم يصبح الصوم مقتصرا فقط على الصوم عن الطعام والشراب بل أصبح البعض يدرك تماما أهمية الصوم عن الشهوات الحسية عامة، كغض البضر، والصوم عن ذلات اللسان، والصوم عن سماع الأغاني أو مشاهدة التلفاذ أو الأفلام غير الهادفة، وغيرها من الأمور، كذلك يستغل البعض الصوم ليفكر في الفقراء والمحتاجين، ويشغل باله بهم بدلا من اهتمامه الدائم بذاته.

وبالرغم من الفوائد الكبيرة التي يكتسبها الإنسان في الصيام وأهمها الفوائد الروحانية في تنفيذه للوصايا الإلهية والفروض السمائية، والفوائد الصحية والجسدية التي ينالها عند ترويض جسده وحرمانه من لذة الطعام لفترات طويلة، فيكتسب الخفة والرشاقة، ويساعد جسده على التخلص من السموم المختلفة من دهون وكوليسترول وغيرها، إلا أننا نغفل فوائد أخرى للصوم لها من الأهمية ما يكسب الصيام بعدا جديدا لا يقل أهمية.

صم عن الغضب والكراهية: فكر أثناء صيامك أن تعطي المحيطين بك قدرا إضافيا من الحب والحنان والمشاركة

صم عن إدانة الآخرين:حاول وأنت صائم ألا تحكم على أحد أو تدينة أو تنظر إليه نظرة ناقدة أو حاسدة، وأعلم أن الله وحده هو فقط من يعرف النوايا، وإن رأيت مكروها في أحد لم يعجبك، فاستغفر الله ليسامحك على ما بك من عيوب
صم عن الشعور بالإحباط: إعلم جيدا وأنت صائم أن الله وضع خطة عظيمة لحياتك، وأنه خلقك أنت تحديدا لسبب يريده هو بنفسك، فحارب دائما أي فكر محبط يأتي إلي ذهنك.

صم عن التذمر: عندما تجد ما يضايقك، لا تتسرع في الإعتراض، بل أشكر الله على كل حال ومن أجل كل حال وفي كل حال، أغمض عينيك وخذ نفسا عميقا وتذكر نعم الله عليك.

صم عن الإحساس بالإضطهاد:  كلما عاملك أحد معاملة سيئة لم تعجبك، لا تكرهه، بل سامحه على الفور، ولا تجعل طبيعتك الأرضية تفقدك سلامك السمائي.

صم عن الإسراف: غير عاداتك الشرائية أثناء الصيام، لا تصرف أموالك على كل ما تشتهيه عينيك، أو على أشياء بلا قيمة حقيقية، وكل ما توفره جمعه وأعطه للفقراء والمحتاجين.

صم عن الشعور بالثقل: أجمل ما في الصيام، أن تشعر بأنك خفيف، غير مقيد بشئ ولا يجذبك للأسفل شيئا، فكن نشيطا، غير مستسلما لثقل الجسد، بل منجذبا بنشاط الروح إلي فوق.

أخيرا، لنتذكر دائما أن الصوم نعمة وعطية منحها الله للإنسان ليرقى به لا ليعذبه أو ليحرمه من شئ، فيه عادات نتدرب عليها أثناء فترات الصوم عن الطعام لتصير أسلوب حياة نعيش بها طول الوقت.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Last Castle (Short Story)

M.A.Y Grace 23/07/2011

Hector, the son of a profound human experience, is a well-trained, sophisticated, and experienced knight with an enlightened vision. He is the only knight in charge of protecting the heritage and roots of all his ancestors, the kings of humanity. It is the only dynasty in history of creation where all are one, and all are kings. His grandfathers have built hundreds of castles; some were built to protect lives and others to defend the meaning of it.

Hector abandoned all those castles and secluded himself in the last castle he called “The free spirit”. He selected his army with a due care, all are of free spirits or even tormented lost ones, but none was of a submitted slave soul. His league was truly enlightened, they were all kings. And the last castle, where they live, was meant for only one reason: to be the last standing place to protect what goes beyond life, to protect Reasons of it.

When Hector loved Helen, that, was not because she was pretty and attractive to all the men in the city, but more because her free spirit was unmatched. Although she had never admitted it or realized that profound fact, Hector did not hesitate and decided to marry her and announce her princess of the last standing castle.

And on that day, when all the empire was preparing to celebrate the wedding of the King and the princess, and arranging to receive the parade of the appointed queen, the raids of evil powers came suddenly and they were severe.
Dark forces from every place were kidnapping kings and queens from the near castles and enslaving them. Many castles were turned into ashes, and thousands royals became slaves. Hector knew that the danger is close. And the last castle was the last resort to protect the dynasty from the complete invasion. He decided to close all the gates and prepare for the one last “epic war” to liberate humanity, but first he had to let Helen into the castle as he cannot fight without her by his side.

All Hector archers, fully-equipped, stood up the castle’s walls and were all prepared to die defending the castle just to let Helen in. Although Helen was afraid of the glorious scene, she was excited as she saw her knight in arms standing in front of the giant doors outside his own castle.

Neither the medieval glowing sword in his hand nor the heavy heart-shaped shield scared her. And though she could not see his face because of the Helmet, she stepped down her parade and ran as fast as she could towards him.
Hector ordered for the gates to be opened. He then threw his sword and Shield aside. He took off his Helmet and opened his arms as wide as possible as if crucified to receive Helen inside. And when they embraced, the giant gate was opened and arrows were thrown everywhere. The war has begun!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Old Knight and the Stallion of The Light (Short story)

The wild stallion was born wild by nature.
Its free spirit gives it its extreme power
No one knows that the glory in its eyes is the source of its strength
No rider could ever come close to it
The glory around it is able to burn any closer
No rider could ever dare come near to it
The only way to ride this horse is to belief in its free spirit
And it will come by itself, and be happy
The old rider has heard about this horse all of his life
He never saw it before, and nobody told him about it, but he just had a strong voice inside him telling him it exists.
Years come and go, but his believe in such a horse has never faded
He met many horses, but none of them pleased him
None of them had a free spirit.

One day, when The old Knight became older and started to lose his hope, he found it running like a spirit
He did not hesitate to chase it, and stalk it.
The old knight ran after it as fast as he could
And when he came closer, the stallion was astonished why the rider did not try to throw his rope over its neck.
The stallion did not believe in the beginning that what made the rider sought it from the first place, is its free spirit.
But when he noticed the persistence in the chase, without the intention of controlling it, the stallion stopped… and it looked back to the old knight, and loved him
He loved his strong belief in his free spirit, in his pure and wild nature… and he let him up his back
And they lived together forever in the woods of Eden.