Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jojo (Short Story)

There are 2 lines of underground in Cairo, one from Helwan to Elmarg, and the other from Shoubra to Algiza. These two lines intersect in 2 stations; Eltahrir and Mubarak.
Today I was taking the underground at 9 am in the morning heading to my work in AlTahrir Square when I heard an announcement in the station’s microphone, a man saying: The station medic should be headed immediately to the front of the platform of Algiza direction. There is an emergency.

JoJo, is a cute chubby girl I used to meet in college, never talked with her before. Only through last month we started chatting online after she had added me on facebook. She is a girl unlike any other I have met. When we first chatted she told me she love me, and by the first week she was like adoring me. She asked me strange things, unfamiliar to our Egyptian culture, like she wants to live with me alone, wanna me hug her an everlasting hug, and things from that genre. She does not love me, she is just searching for love. But I am not that kind of persons who like this kind of blind emotional love. I told her I cannot love you and I am not gonna marry you. You are a psycho. But we talked and talked and chatted almost every day for hours. She told me about her past love stories and how she is an easy girl who, for the sake of being a mother and leaving her father’s home, is willing to marry any male creature. At the same time, thanks to her high education, she has demands; he has to be able to provide her, and to love her. She works in a foreign bank that lies in Dokki. She takes a good salary most guys in Egypt do not take it. She wants to buy a car because she doe not like taking the underground from her home in shoubra to el dokki (before giza) everyday. To me, and from our first conversation, I realized that she will never be a happy wife, and her man will never be happy too thanks to her. She also told me stories… stories about the many times she thought of suicide to grab her parents attention and gain some care.

She sought my attention and care, but I ignored her, exactly like when I ignored the emergency call in the station taking my train and going to work to start my first day of missing jojo. She has disappeared.

By: Mina Adly Younan